Please be advised
the Saturday. March 21st 2020
Beach Clean up
has been postponed
until further notice.
We will keep you posted.
Saturday. March 21st 2020 8:30 - 12:00The Long Island Beach Access Group will be working with LIBBA, The Long Island Beach Buggy AssociationScouts and kids are encouraged to attend. LIBBA will provide Environmental Patches for them and can sign-off on High School Volunteer time sheets.This years ambitious project will include Clean Up’s atRobert Moses, Gilgo State Park, & Sore Thumb within Robert Moses State Park.In addition to the Spring Clean Up, there will be Bird Fencing and beach road projects.WE will meet at the Robert Moses 2 Parking lot at 8:30 AM.You don’t have to be at the whole event.THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT WE SHOW UP, AT ROBERT MOSES PARKING FIELD 2. Some time between 8:30 and 12.I can’t tell you how much I appreciate, and am looking forward to seeing everyone there. I cannot thank you enough.Food will be served after the event at Robert Moses Field 2.Thank you,