Gilgo Clean-Up, hosted by LIBAG, South Shore Paddleboards & The Town of Babylon
What a busy and fun day Saturday was for the beach clean up at Gilgo !!
We were almost overwhelmed with all the people who volunteered; but we handled it.
Signing in at our side of the tunnel entrance were 86 people. Thanks to Ray Eriksen, Stevie Jo Pace, Ron Tergesen, Frank Messina, Bill Zeller, Tino Sarmiento, and Ken Hudes for checking people in and out.
On the other side of the path to the Beach was Save the Beaches,
organized and run by Mary Beth and Jim Schappert of Oak Beach and their 100+ people.
Overall we collected 760 POUNDS of debris of all types... barrels, metal cages, cigarette butts, plastic and glass of all kinds, and of course, balloons, grrrr, and other nasty stuff.
Councilwoman Jackie Brown from the town of Babylon along with other officials came down for a photo op in front of the Gilgo Beach Inn.
Thank you to Paul and Steve from the Inn, for your support!
Karen Vaccaro Marvin owner of South Shore Paddleboards
and the SUPers were doing their thing in the water off the docks. They brought in plenty of debris. Thanks!

We just want to let everyone know that LIBAG - Long Island Beach Access Group, appreciates the support and friendships built over the years.
And we can't forget Florence Findley from the Town of Babylon for her friendship and guidance over the many years we have been doing this as a combined effort.
Special thanks to Jim and MaryBeth, for the use of your muscles and truck for hauling away the garbage to the containers... THANKS!
Did I mention it was a beautiful day? It was!